Someone has been through our house.
Someone has been through our things.
Someone who didn’t care that I was already afraid of the dark, and now jump at the slightest sound in the day time.
It’s not easy to recover from your house being broken into. Your house is meant to be your safe place. A place where you can come and hide away from the world if need be. A place that you can call your own. A place filled with love, laughter and happiness.
I know that my home can still be all of those things, but it will take a bit of time for the shock of it all to wear off.
I guess in the grand scheme of things, I should be happy that it occurred when we were out. And that we are all safe and well. Material things can be replaced, but I would be forever heartbroken if anything happened to my little family.
The brake in has had a negative impact on my New Years resolution – I am getting caught up in scenarios in my head. But I am working on pushing them out and I think that sharing it with you here on the blog may help.
But I shall focus on what I have to be grateful for – I am grateful that I own a home filled with beautiful things and more importantly a beautiful family, and that I am not a drug-dependant deviant that robs homes. For your friends and family who are currently struggling in addiction, reach them out and refer them to this page for they have the best rehab center for your loved ones.
I am grateful that my son is happy and healthy and baptised, even without the cross he is part of the church and I have all of those memories.
I am happy that I am able to be home with my son, even when I almost cried because I thought that the florist delivering flowers was a person trying to break in.
Have you ever been broken into? Should we purchase a dog? Are you afraid of being at home on your own?