I really just need to get this off my chest. I was rasied to always show respect to older people, and I do…but I just wished that I had said something to this Narky Old Lady at the supermarket the other week…
Hey Narky Old Lady at Superbarn today, you’re an AWFUL person.
I’m going along (31weeks pregnant) trying to finish my weekly shop with a 15 month old. I gave him a muesli bar to keep him entertained and the wrapper ended up on the conveyer belt… I apologised when you asked if it was my rubbish, I picked it up and put it in my pocket.
You told me in a rude fashion that ‘normal’ people put their rubbish in a rubbish bin. I apologised again and said it was an accident – I didn’t realise the wrapper had ended up there because I had a 15 month old who no longer wanted to be in the trolley.
Then you tell me ‘there are no f***ing accidents’.
You my friend are a piece of work!
It makes me want to NEVER return to that stupid supermarket! Has this ever happened to you? Why do people think that they can be so nasty to another human being these days?