I felt like I was letting you down in the beginning as I wasn’t taking you into clinic each week for a weigh and measure {as I did with your brother}. So I called up Daddy one afternoon and made him watch Max whilst he napped so that I could take you into clinic. I had nothing to worry about besides a sharp knife, because when they weighed you, we found out that you had gained 1kg in two and a half weeks {I’m pretty good at this milk making business if I don’t say so}.
Unlike Mr Moo, you love the dummy. You use it to settle yourself during the day, however after your night feed you arent interested in taking it and you settle yourself to sleep. I can’t believe that you used have your last feed at 10pm and you sometimes sleep through until 5am – your big brother didn’t complete this feat until approximately 10 months!
I feel like you should have been born in the Autumn and Mr Moo should have been born in the Spring. As you love to be swaddled to sleep {and frankly it’s been way too hot} and Mr Moo hated to be swaddled. I pick you up and your head is so sweaty, but at least you have had a sound sleep.
At 3 months, we took you up to Nannie’s for Christmas and you took your first dip in the pool and the ocean. You haven’t been a fan of the water {hating baths since birth}. But you don’t mind taking a shower with Daddy and Mr Moo – I think you just like hanging out with the boys and don’t want to be left out.
You definitely weren’t my tiny newborn for very long at all. You have now grown off the charts tall and you are in the 80th percentile for weight. I joke with the MACH nurses that you need to be sturdy so that your big brother can’t push you around. But in all honesty, he is extremely loving towards you.
You are one of the happiest babies I know, always smiling and even laughing in your sleep.
You were well and truly rolling just shy of 4 months and you commando crawl everywhere. I think you just see me and your brother up and moving and you want to be moving to.
At 5 months you just want to give us all big sloppy kisses and when I kiss you back under your chin you laugh and laugh and laugh. It’s beautiful to hear and sometimes it even brings Daddy in from the other room to listen. I thought that I heard you say ‘Daddy’ and Daddy thinks that you say ‘Mummy’ when you cry {although I think this is his ploy for me to come and get you when you cry}.
At 6 months we can’t wait to see you grow and learn. I’m sure that you’ll be sitting up any day now and then will come clapping and playing and a few more words.
We love you so so so much and you are an awesome little addition to our growing family.