I feel like when you have children, the world thinks that it’s okay for them to come up and say whatever they feel like in relation to you, your children and your parenting choices.
Now, I have come to terms with having a blog and people commenting on; what I write; how I write; and whom I write about. But when it comes straight at you, in public {rather then from behind the keyboard} it puts you a little off guard.
My choice in having children and having more children does not make me crazy {or a f*cking idiot}!
I’m not crazy because I love motherhood and I want to have more children.
I’m not crazy because I love motherhood and I want to spend as much time as I can with them in these early years {rather then placing them in daycare*}.
I’m not crazy because I love motherhood and I am happy to give up going out and having ‘me’ time during this stage of my life.
I love motherhood and I am blessed to be able to be a stay-at-home-mum. I understand that in today’s society most families need to have a double income to survive. But at this point in time, we are blessed enough to be able to live off one.
I’m happy to make scarifies so that I can be a stay-at-home-mum.
I want my children to be able to attend catholic schools, play sports and partake in extracurricular activities – and I understand this means that you need money. And I’m happy to go back to work if the need arises.
I’d love to have four children, but if we don’t have enough money to do so then we will stop where our family is able to enjoy a good quality of life. I’m not just procreating for procreation’s sake.
But here it is – plain and simple – to have or to not have babies is my choice {along with my husband}.
It isn’t your ‘right’ to comment on this because; you don’t like children, or you think that growing up in a large family is tough, or you think that we will never be able to travel if our family is too large, or whatever reason you want to give.

Having a baby is a blessing from God. So many people in today’s society aren’t able to have children. I’m not here to make people feel bad about the choices that they make – I just want the choices that I make to be respected and if you don’t have anything nice to say, then just don’t say it {or go say it on GOMI where you can all hang out together!}. But here is the fact, being ‘not nice’ on an internet forum is just like being ‘not nice’ in public and it means that you aren’t a nice person!