You were {and still are} the sweetest big brother there ever was! Giving your little brother lots of hugs and kisses when he came home from the hospital – and you picked up his name really quickly. As a newborn, when he would cry, you would say ‘Oh no {insert name here}’ and then run to him and try and push a dummy into his mouth. You’ve always been on the look out for your little brother from day dot.
The past 6 months have seen you be such the little talker – babbling away in your own little language, more and more actually making sense to us. You had the whole 2 words thing down pat at 18 months, but you were able to quiet passionately {using your hands as you spoke} have whole conversations in your own language. Now you are putting more and more words together and most people can understand what you are trying to get across.
You have also become such the little dancer – breaking it down to nursery rhymes and Hi5 and pretty much any song that came on the radio. I am really enjoying our crazy kitchen dancing now that you are two {you have quiet the moves my son}.
You’ve become acustom to cafe life {thankfully Baba and Dida own the cafe so we aren’t going broke on the babycino front}. You love drinking babycinos and often like to drink two – as Daddy often has two coffees. We don’t know where this came from, but when you get your babycino you smile and then say ‘Mmmm – I needed this!’ {very passionately}.
You have also embraced the structure of morning activities. Whilst you outgrew ‘Wiggle and Giggle’ {sitting still in the library just wasn’t your thing anymore}, we started attending Gymbaroo and ‘Paint and Play’ in the Park.
You are fiercely independant and carry out most activities but yourself. I am here is you need, but I am fanning your independence so you may florish into the strong, brave, young man that I know you have inside of you. It means when you do come to me for cuddles I hold you as tight as I can and appreciate it greatly.
You also outgrew your cot {being able to climb out of it at 19 months} and then being able to open your bedroom door {at 20 months}, so nap time and bed time has been a little bit of a struggle over the last few months. Thankfully you still fall asleep in the car and {most of the time} can be transferred to your bed easily.
We also had your first successful wee in the potty before the age of 2 so hopefully that will appease your Baba {even if potty training isn’t complete}. You can sing your ABC’s and count to ten and recognise your name on paper.