Have you hit up Mr Frugii in Braddon yet? You haven’t – don’t go.. I’m doing you a favour by telling you this, as I don’t want you to become addicted like I am {and I don’t want you to make me have to queue for my fix!}. SERIOUSLY, why are you still reading this post? You should be down at Mr Frugii eating their delicious treats!
For those of you who don’t know about Mr Frugii, he is a self-proclaimed ice-cream alchemist who makes the world’s best ice-cream, sought after by Australia’s cleverest restaurants, food bloggers and writers.
What is your food story?
I have always been interested in food. I used to cook with my mom, and started around 12 years old, or a little earlier! About 16 years ago, I bought my first Ice Cream machine. It was a SIMAC 2ltr refrigerated machine. From then on, I basically got into Ice Cream in a slow, but serious way. I basically read everything, and anything to understand what I could do to attempt to make the best ice cream possible. Many moons later, we opened Frugii Dessert Laboratory.
Why are you passionate about Canberra’s local produce?
I am extremely proud to be part of Canberra’s food scene, and where ever possible, source local.
Why is it important that we understand where our food comes from?
With the scare earlier this year with Hepatitis from Asia it’s very important. If I can’t get an exact answer on where my food comes from, I shy away from it.
What differentiates your ice-creams, gelato, sorbets, chocolates and chilled cakes from others?
I make my ice cream, gelato, sorbets, cakes & chocolates from scratch. Others say the same, but most will use a commercial paste or base. I make my own extracts using special lab equipment. I grind my own nut pastes using special grinders. I make my own Chocolate from Imported Cocoa beans. I also do not use colour (either natural or otherwise), and I don’t use flavourings. There is always an exception – when I use black liquorice – it’s already been coloured, and when I use musk – well – let’s just say that I am happy to us a flavour of musk instead of the real deal (-;
What does local produce mean to you?
It means a lot as you get to meet the people that grow it. It’s pretty good to meet and discuss a product. I am currently doing this with local brewers – coming up to beer day out – that’s where I will be selling my Beer Ice Creams, and Cider Sorbets!
Why is supporting local important to you?
You get to meet people who are as passionate as myself (hopefully), and that creates a great vibe, and product.
Have you hit up Mr Frugii yet? What is your favourite ice-cream flavour? Is there a local Canberra food story that you would like me to cover? If you would like to share your local food story I would love for you to get in contact with me!
We need a Mr Frugii on the Nth Beaches lol xx
He really is something special. You never know where he might expand to.