Hello readers! How has your week been? Did you do anything in particular for International Women’s Day? I have been dealing with the little dude’s separation anxiety and all the boys having a little bit of a cough. We are off to a first birthday party today and this week, Mr Moo received his first birthday party invitation from preschool – which he was very excited about.
I thought that I would share with you today the 20 best toys for a 1 year old boy. I am particularly a big fan of #10 – the Green Toys Dump Truck – we own the cement mixer and the recycling truck and the boys still love playing with them. And in my opinion, you can’t go passed a good book as a gift.
The 4th birthday party invitation came home with ‘rsvp and gift suggestions’ on it. Is this a thing now? I’m not really sure of the preschool party etiquette here. I thought that seeing as I also had a little boy about to turn four that I would have some idea of what to buy another four year old. If you’re wondering what a four year old boy to buy for, you might like to check out the ultimate gift list for a 4 year old boy.
I guess it is the season for runny noses and chesty coughs {you know, now that we are in Autumn/Winter}. So I thought that it was timely to share with you some tips on how to loose a bad cough.
The boys actually like me to make a camomile tea with honey and grated ginger, add cool water until it is drinkable for a toddler and then top it in a drink bottle/sippy cup. But you know what’s also good for a cold/cough? Soup! Are you a fan of zucchini soup? I am! And this zucchini and basil soup sounds like the business.
For some toddlers, goodbyes are full of tears, screams, and outbursts. It didn’t happen with my first, but we are definitely experiencing separation anxiety with my second. Here is a good post about dealing with separation anxiety in toddlers . My two year old currently is walking around saying ‘you always come back Mummy?’. ‘Yes, I always come back’.
Did you catch Lauren from ‘The Thud’ ‘s facebook post on International Women’s Day? I might never have a daughter, but I am raising boys who will respect that Fire ? and see it as an asset that it is {and not bossiness or bitchiness}.
So grab a cuppa and prepare to pop down the rabbit hole – oh and don’t forget to leave a comment below.
Every Saturday morning, we will open up the rabbit hole link up for bloggers to add their link list posts or even just their favourite post {if you are not of the link list kind} for the week. Please link only one post. This makes it fair for everyone and allows more posts to be read.
Talking of reading, do try and pop along to say hello to some of the other lovely linkers. This week, you can link up here or bob on over and say hello to Sammie from The Annoyed Thyroid, Jess from Confident Life or Paula from The Geeky Shopaholic. It doesn’t matter where you add your link because it will appear on both blogs, as if by magic! The link up will stay open until midnight the following Monday. Alice is about to blow her mind! Grab a cuppa and attend this mad tea party. Add your “Link List” post or just your favourite post from this week…