There is so much judgement on EVERYTHING these days {especially on being a Mum}. You are judged on whether you breast fed or bottle feed. You are judged on whether you are a stay-at-home-Mum or a working Mum. You are judged on whether you co-sleep or use the cry-it-out method. And there is judgement made on ‘mummy bloggers’ – whatever that term actually means.
The other week, as I was unloading my children out of the car, I saw a primary school aged little girl crying. She was holding her baby sibling who was also crying, so I approached her and asked her what was wrong? She said her Mum had run into get her brother a haircut, but her sister just kept crying. I asked her if she wanted me to hold her sibling and told her that we would find her Mummy together. About 5 minutes later, her Mum came running towards us, apologising profusely. The first thing I said was ‘it’s totally cool, no judgement’. Because we are all just trying to do our best and we do not know what the other person is dealing with.
Then yesterday, I decided venture out of the house with all three children to try and tackle getting a birthday present for my niece. I hadn’t been out with all three children since before I fell ill with glandular fever. My aim was to go to the bookshop and get a coffee and get home again. We achieved both of these things, but then my eldest got a little silly, running ahead and generally not listening. It makes me really cranky when we are in a carpark and he doesn’t listen as it’s a safety issue. I lost it and grab him by the arm to put him into the car and was met with the most evil eye and judging ‘tut-tut’ from a grandmother who was parked next to me with her daughter and grand-daughter {you know the baby who isn’t talking back or running away yet}.
Sometimes we aren’t the parents that we hoped that we would be – but we don’t need your judgement…

When life turns to shit, just eat all the ice-cream…
Here are some links today for some people who also don’t appreciate the judgement…
The Milk Meg’s post on Facebook the other day really resinated with me. If you are also breast feeding, her page may be of interest to you…. #keeponboobin‘
I haven’t read Constance Hall’s book nor do I know that much about her, but I was not surprised at the haters who all crept out to leave awful online comments last week – Constance Hall: Perth shopping centre event bring out social media haters.
Margret Court said some terrible things about gay marriage and I hate people who think they can start an argument with ‘I’m not judging, but…’ {which is ALWAYS followed by something SUPER judgy}. However, I do think some stupid things were said in reply. If you’re interested Cate McGregor gave a really classy reply.
Maybe everyone should have to take Hugzilla’s pop quiz: are you an internet troll or a decent human being before using the internet? {who also shares my disgust of the phrase“No offense, but…”}.
And then I watched this clip about Never Judging Anyone and shed a few tears.
Every Saturday morning, we will open up the rabbit hole link up for bloggers to add their link list posts or even just their favourite post {if you are not of the link list kind} for the week. Please link only one post. This makes it fair for everyone and allows more posts to be read.
Talking of reading, do try and pop along to say hello to some of the other lovely linkers. This week, you can link up here or bob on over and say hello to Sammie from The Annoyed Thyroid, Jess from Confident Life or Paula from The Geeky Shopaholic. It doesn’t matter where you add your link because it will appear on both blogs, as if by magic! The link up will stay open until midnight the following Monday. Alice is about to blow her mind! Grab a cuppa and attend this mad tea party. Add your “Link List” post or just your favourite post from this week…