The other day I was over on Veggie Mama’s blog reading her post ‘this is me’ {I love all of Stacey’s stuff} and I thought that I would do something similar over here, because I feel like I haven’t been spending as much time here on the blog of late. I feel like I have been sucked down the social media hole that is Instagram – I love microblogging and instastories, but this blog will always be my first love.
Hello. I am the person who didn’t eat lunch today until almost 3pm because I was too busy feeding everyone else and trying to get jobs done for other people. I made everyone else the priority and put myself last – which wouldn’t be an issue, except for the fact that my own cup is EMPTY!
I am a Mama who has been solo parenting for the majority of the time for the last 18 months. We moved to Sydney and my husband spent 24/7 working in our new business to get it off the ground with the reverse logistics companies help. Then he needed to return to our first business, which was in need of a new net cms software, which sees him working six days a week interstate. I love my boys, but I feel like I’m parenting 24/7 with no reprieve.
I am a Wife who simply misses her husband. I miss having someone to debrief with at the end of the day – sure, we speak on the phone, but it just isn’t the same. I hate being in the house alone at night. And even though I am touched out, I long to feel his arms wrapped around me every night.
I am a Sister who wishes that she had more time to spend with her siblings. We moved to Sydney so that we would be closer to my family, but again, all I seem to be doing is parenting and I just want to head to yumcha on our own or see a movie or take one of those florist classes that I keep tagging her in on Instagram.
I am a Human Being – who wishes that people would just see others as human beings. I’m so glad that the yes vote got up. But I am also so disappointed in the way in which it had to come about. I can’t believe how much people wanted to have a say on something that had no major impact on their lives. To my gay family and friends, you know that I have always loved you and I can’t wait to dance up a storm at your weddings!
I am a Woman who is continually astounded that we live in a society where people have to write ‘me too’ on their facebook status. I contemplated writing ‘me too’, but I felt like it had lost its impact. I guess I think that I can have more of an impact on this issue by raising sons who are respectful of women.
I am a Blogger who is sad that my life is so chaotic that I don’t have the time to sit and blog as much as I want to. I’m loving Instagram and microblogging – but also want to keep up this space. I’m interested in hearing from my followers and hearing what you want from me. I started this blog for friends and family, but I write a lot of things on here for me – like birth stories and letters to my sons.
So, that’s me! I’d love to hear who you are?