Welcome to ‘What’s in my kitchen’ for August. We’ve had some delicious things in my kitchen and I’ve been joining in with Simone from Play With Food to share new things that my family have been trying on Instagram.
The boys have been ploughing through what’s on offer (and I’m glad that they are back at school because it certainly does cut down on the request for snacks). I’ve been trying to offer two – three different baked goods throughout the week. These often end up in lunch boxes or offered for afternoon tea with fruit, veggies, cheese and biscuits (or sometimes a dip) it’s a smorgasbord of options to keep everyone happy.
Although there is often an upset kindergartner who wanted to go to ‘after school care’ with his friends. I told him that this year is special because I am home and I can come and pick him up and make him his very favourite special treats each afternoon. And next year when I am back at work, he will have to go to after school care…but right now, my pikelets and lemonade scones aren’t cutting it.
If you are interested in seeing what other lovely bloggers have in their kitchen this month, then head over to Sherry Mackay, from Sherry’s Pickings .
In my August kitchen…
We have been eating fish. Our favourites include salmon and barramundi. We had some delicious crispy skin barramundi marinaded in tumeric, olive oil, sea salt and pepper. The boys really enjoyed this. I usually use a lot of oil and grease in most of my fried recipes so I end up with a lot of used oil that I don’t need, I was going to throw it away but I actually started a grease collection to recycle it instead of dumping it out, you should consider doing the same.
I pan fried the barramundi skin side down for approximately 5 minutes and then flipped it and popped it into an oven for approximately 15 minutes – until cooked through (these were quiet thick fillets). I get the best kitchen tools from Cooktop Hunter .

In my August kitchen…
We are still ordering Marley Spoon each week. I like to eliminate some of the stress and thinking around meal planning and grocery shopping by having three of our week night meals delivered.
If you’d like to give it a go – and get $35 off your first box – you can use my affiliate code: GOOD35FOODMSWEEK.

In my August kitchen…
We are obsessed with green veggies. The other night, I cooked up some green beans, pies and gem lettuce in butter. Have you ever tried pan frying gem lettuce? It it really delicious. Simply cut in half, season with salt and pepper, pop into a hot frying pan and spoon warm butter over until slightly wilted.

In my August kitchen…
We finally got our hands on brussel sprouts! I had been watching Every Night of the Week and My Family Feed cook them up on Instagram – and yet I couldn’t find them anywhere local…and then there they were and I really have been enjoying them.

In my August kitchen…
We are prepared for a Mussaman curry or two! I whipped up my favourite Mussaman curry paste – which makes enough for 5 – 6 curries. I placed the leftovers into ice cube trays and froze it. This now means 4 cubes will equal enough for 1 curry.

In my August kitchen…
I’m adding dulce de leche to homemade apple pies. Here is my recipe for apple and dulce de leche. I may or may not have devoured one of these pies with custard for breakfast the other day – I mean, I was up for the majority of the night with a snuffly baby who just wanted to breast feed.

In my August kitchen…
We have been using these Compostable Paper Sandwich Bags – as there have been a few excursions where we have been asked to not send lunchboxes (and I am trying to avoid using plastic wrap).
I’ve packed pizza scrolls, banana bread, seaweed and carrot sticks into them. Mr Moo can’t read what I have written on each of the bags – so I also add a little picture, so he knows what’s in each package.

So what’s been in your kitchen of late? Are you planning school lunchboxes? Will you be heading down to the snow this season? Do you meal plan? Are you interested in trying Marley Spoon? Do you shop the sales? Do you have a food budget? Do you prepare meals for a large family? Are you a big porridge fan? Are you a breast feeding Mama? What’s your favourite recipe for winter?