I can’t believe it’s February 2020. The holidays just whizzed by – but I guess that’s what happens when you are juggling four kids. We ate a lot of BBQs and easy dinners and enjoyed time spent with family and friends.
But now we are back into lunchboxes and quick and easy dinners (because that’s what I do best – but also because Daddy is back at TAFE three nights a week).
I’m embracing Term 1. A big term for our little tribe; with one in Year 1, one in Kindergarten, one starting 3 year old preschool, and one starting their second year of TAFE. I’m going to embrace being a full time Mum because when Term 2 starts, it’s back to work for me and our littlest will start childcare two days a week.
And, as always, if you are interested in seeing what other lovely bloggers have in their kitchen this month, then head over to Sherry Mackay, from Sherry’s Pickings .
In my February kitchen…
We are trying to reduce our family’s meat intake – and are trying to include three to four meatless meals a week. It actually hasn’t been too hard. Although, one night I did add some Japanese chicken to these Japanese Veggie bowls as the boys were VERY hungry after school.

In my February kitchen…
I’m always up for a quick kitchen hack to help me get our dinner on the table a little quicker. These rice packs from Seeds of Change are definitely very tasty and hit that kitchen hack on the head.

In my February kitchen…
I’m embracing the minimal in the kitchen – like minimal ingredients that sure do pack a punch in this bean salad. Beans, tomatoes, bocconcini, basil, garlic, chili, olive oil and salt…well that sounds like a long list when I write it out…but it is so worth it.

In my February kitchen…
I’d been addicted to the Remedy Tepache over the summer holidays and so when I saw their Blood Orange Switchel on sales at Coles – it was a big yes from me. I also saw Manu drinking it on Instagram so they totally suckered me in. But thankfully, it was delicious and the kids have also enjoyed it.

So tell me, what is in your kitchen this month? Do you have anyone starting school? Are you busy packing lunchboxes? Have you tried kombucha, tepache or switchel? Do you have a brilliant kitchen hack for me to try?