I can honestly say that these first years go quicker and quicker with each child. I still feel like it was yesterday that our boss was sending out emails saying that I was on leave, only for me to respond ‘no – still here, still working’. And then a colleague called to see why I missed the 10am stand up, and I replied ‘oh, I was giving birth’.
It took us a little while to agree on your name – but it is you and I haven’t had a second thought about it since. Your big brother was so excited to stand up in front of the entire school and announce that you were born and how much we love you.
Since day dot, you have been cuddled and kissed NON-STOP. And everyone wants to see your smile and hear your laugh.
At four months you were rolling over and starting to babble. Of course your first word was Dada, just like your brothers. You also cut your first teeth. I could see that they were bigger than all of your brothers from day one – and I wonder if you might be the biggest of them all? And you thought that the funniest thing was to bite me when you were feeding.
At six months you were sitting up on your own and we decided to try you out on solids. You liked avocado, banana, sweet potato, spinach, yoghurt – actually I don’t think you turn your nose up to much.

At eight months, you had started crawling properly and nothing was stopping you. This was much to the bigger boys dismay when you would suddenly pop up and wreck their game. Someone would promptly pick you up and take you into another room and BAM you’d be back and touching what they didn’t want you to touch.
At ten months, you were pulling yourself up and cruising around on furniture. You could say ‘mum’, ‘dad’, ‘nana’, ‘buba’, ‘ball’, ‘go’ and you say ‘Zzz’ which we think might be for your brother.
At twelve months, you have stood up independently for around 10 seconds, but you’re not interested in walking. We jokingly call you my lazy baby as all your brothers were walking by now. Maybe you just have too many people bringing you the things that you want.
You aren’t a great sleeper – although, who could be with all the noise in our house at the moment? I know that this phase will pass…all your brothers can sleep through the night in their own beds. Some day soon that will be you and I will miss our night time cuddles.
You are a super social guy. You love to be around people and people love to be around you. You love to watch your big brother and listen to music. You clap your hands and you’ve started dancing. Your favourite song is ‘Dance Monkey’.
We love you so much and are so glad that you’re part of our family xox