A fellow blogger tagged me in a chat on Instagram, between Very Exellent Habits and Hair Romance about ‘the Renaissance of Blogging – The Blogaissance’. I was instantly transported back to 2011, when we would sit together in the office talking about the latest blogger that we were following.
Owning this blog has taken me on so many wonderful adventours – like when Australian Onions came to me and asked me if I would like to attend an event hosted by The Secret Serve and ex-MKR finalist, Scott Gooding on onions, I was like ‘HECK YES!’ Or when I was invited as a guest to attend the beautiful Wedgwood Tea Room at the National Gallery of Australia. Or when I attended my first ever blogging conference. It was an awesome experience and I have to say that the committee – Amanda Whitley {HerCanberra}, Tara Cheyne {In The Taratory}, Rachi Perera {Le Bon Vivant}, Guilia Porro {Love At Every Bite} and Belinda Neame {creator of the street food event, The Forage} – just did the most amazing job!

But blogging takes time and comitment and sometimes I feel like the instantaniousness of social media platforms fit my lifestyle better. I’ve grown and changed A LOT since I kicked off this blog in 2007. I’ve got married, had four sons – and all of their school/sport/extra-cirricular activities/social lives, I’m back working full time, I sit as the president of the board at our local preschool and much more…

It seems so much easier to upload an image or a short story to my instagram account than to specifically plan out a blog schedule for the month, create the content, write the post, upload and promote. But I do miss it and I miss the community that we had.
As Very Exellent Habits and Hair Romance, it will probably never go back to what it was. But I am keen to see what it might evolve into. And if there is a commitment to blog and share once a month for 12 months, well then I am in!