My readers know I love a good Mexican meal and for it also to be a ‘one-pot-wonder’, well that just takes the cake for me in terms of an awesome recipe. I love a ‘one-pot-wonder’ because it is so easy just to throw together, pop in the oven {or the slow cooker if you have one}, and then in three to four hours you’ll have something awesome to serve your family for dinner {and hopefully you’ll have had a wonderful afternoon playing with your little ones}.
We are in the midst of Mr Moo deciding that he may or may not take a nap – which is a little trying to say the least. I have him either fall asleep at 3pm and then he could sleep anywhere up to 6pm {meaning he is awake until 10pm}. And even if I try to wake him after an hour or so, he’ll just cry himself back to sleep – it seems he will only wake up when he wants to.
Or he’ll make it through to dinner where there is absolute chaos, followed by a quick shower with Daddy and then he is out to it at 7pm.
Top it off with the Little Dude deciding that he might drop from three naps a day to two naps a day {which is awesome and I am all for}, I find that it is often easiest to get something in the oven early and avoid trying to whip something up at Witching Hour.
Side note – why do they call it ‘witching hour’ { the witching hour is another, particularly apt, name for evening fussiness in newborns} when it really can last for more than one hour and for more then just the newborn stage!
Lucky he is cute {well I think so} |
4 tbsp chili powder
1 tbsp brown sugar
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon cayenne
1 teaspoon ground oregano
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
4 pork steaks
2 red onions
2 red capsicums
1 can of crushed tomatoes
1 can of black beans
1 litre of veggie stock
Mix up your dry spices and rub over your pork steaks. Slice the ovens and capsicums into similar size strips and toss through the spice mix as well. Pour in your tomatoes, black beans and veggie stock on top of the pork, place the lid on the pot and allow to simmer away in the oven for 4 hours at 180 degrees {or until your pork is tender}.
You may wish to serve this pork some slices of avocado or a little sour cream.
What kind of things do you put into your ‘one-pot-wonder’? Do you like to replace the regular ‘carbohydrate’ part of your meal {rice, pasta, potato} with something like a bean? What are your thoughts on the new food pyramid? Do you like black beans?
Love this one Shari! xx