The lovely Maureen used to work in the public service {as so many of us in Canberra do}, but she knew she wanted to do something else. I’m so glad that she moved into the cheese making business, because her product is outstanding and truly makes the most of what Canberra has to offer. I’ve whipped up a few wonderful things with her cheese – but all you need to do is simply pop it in your mouth and it is delicious!
What is your food story?
I grew up in an Italian family on a farm in WA where simple homemade produce, including cheese and butter were part of everyday life. My earliest experience of cheese was as a pre-schooler eating fresh curd out of what passed for a vat (a drum over a fire in the old wash house) where my aunty would make mountain style cheeses in the winter. My sisters and I learnt to cook and to appreciate good quality food.
I was also lucky enough to spend a year in Italy with my husband Jol. The food was fantastic and access to super fresh cheese was a given, even in the middle of huge cities like Naples and Rome.
After 20 years in the public service, I decided to make a change and set up an artisan fresh cheese making venture here in the ACT. I believe that Canberra is a big enough market place to support a specialist cheese business and that enough Canberrans might appreciate the opportunity to experience really fresh cheese (that is a day or two old). This is only possible if it is made very close by.
I am also keen to use whatever Canberra has to offer and to work within the constraints of my resources. With the help of friends and family, I have a custom built cheese making room within a warehouse space in Hume and I source my milk and cream from Canberra Milk and Country Valley.
I sell my cheeses at some of the farmers markets in the region. I am also fortunate to have support from some of Canberra’s cafes and restaurants who use my product and sometimes feature it on their menus.
Why are you passionate about Canberra’s local produce?
Because it is fresh and just tastes better and you get to talk to the producer/grower who can help you with tips to use it properly and to appreciate it fully.
Why is it important that we understand where our food comes from?
So we can make choices about what we eat and can understand what impact our food production has on our environment.
What differentiates your produce from those found in the supermarket?
It is really fresh, it is handmade and contains no preservatives. Some of my range or even things that are similar are just not available there – it is unique.
Have you tried anything from The Cheese Project? Is there a local Canberra food story that you would like me to cover? If you would like to share your local food story I would love for you to get in contact with me!
Kind of makes me wish I lived in Canberra – there’s something really special about local produce, isn’t there?
Well now you know about it – you can always make the farmers markets a stop when you’re next in Canberra. Maureen’s cheese are delicious! Well worth a trip just for cheese I say.