I first came across Karin from Calm to Conniption through her ‘Ultimate Rabbit Hole’ link up, which occurs every Saturday. Karin is a FIFO wife, mum of two little ones and is trying not to lose herself in a pile of dirty nappies and Duplo in-between. With lashings of sarcasm and humor, Karin tackles big world problems like candle maintenance, sandwich cutting and urine projection in boys.
Why did you start blogging/participating in social media?
The first time I started blogging it was simply because I followed so many other bloggers and I thought I might give it a try. That was prior to babies and it was very sporadic.
After my first child, I was looking for a way to feel like myself again. I love my kids but being just Mum makes me an unhappy mum. After a few 5-minute random ideas I went back to writing and started Calm to Conniption. That was now two and a half years ago.
What is your favourite social media channel?
Instagram for sure. Show me all the pretty things, the yummy food and cute Championship Breeders dogs! Pinterest comes a close second.
What is your favourite part of motherhood?
Warm hugs. My baby girl is full of them. My son wasn’t so much but he is making up for lost time now. I still look at my two little people in amazement and think, “I made you!”
What is your least favourite part of motherhood?
Why must they need to eat all the time?! No, that isn’t my least favourite. I still struggle with the prep work. You are always preparing for what is next. To go out you have to think about how long you are going for and what you will need. You can guarantee you won’t use that spare set of clothes from The Fifth Collection for 3 months and the day after it gets taken out a nappy leaks or they fall in mud. You must be always on the ready. I used to like ‘on a whim’, but now that is a distant memory.
How did you come up with your kids’ names?
I was looking for names that meant something, where short, and were a little bit different but not made up. I had always read Meet Me At Mikes which is where I first heard of the name, Ari. When I looked it up I discovered it meant lion in many cultures, which sealed the deal.
We struggled with girl’s names. Leni was always floated but it was an old friend who actually had named their daughter it. We weren’t sure but in the last weeks I emailed my friend and cleared it with her before announcing Leni’s arrival last year. We struggled so much picking Leni’s name that I don’t think it even means anything. Actually it does, it means fiercely determined and full of love.
You’re in the supermarket, with a full cart, and your baby starts crying frantically…what do you do?
How old is my baby? I am going to run with what just happened to me this week. My baby is 12 months old so when she decided she’d had enough of getting groceries I was grab the closest packet of baby num-nums. I normally always go out with a packet of something that doesn’t need refrigeration in my bag and a bottle of water for each child. It will tide them over if the need strikes.
I’ll often leave the house without it being ‘pristine’, I’m all about making memories with the kids rather then them watching me mop and vacuum. What is you number one tip for keeping the house clean?
My battle is the kid’s toys. We have a toy room but there are always more toys on the lounge room floor than in the designated area! It does my head in.
Recently we picked up a basic square bookshelf with pull out boxes. I laminated pictures of what was in each box and gave everything (nearly) a place. It has been brilliant!! My husband is very impressed with the end result and that the kids know they have to pack up a box before the next one comes out. This seriously works in our house and not much normally does.
What is one food that you avoid feeding to your children, and why?
Bananas, oh the mush factor makes me cringe. In saying that I have taken the bullet once or twice and if it is to freeze them for smoothies I am fine.
Who is your favourite celebrity chef, and why?
I really like Karen Martini because she seems so down to earth and her food is really tasty. Well, her recipes I have made are super tasty, though my door is always open if Karen feels like whipping something up.
If you’d love to check out more of Karin you can find her blog here, her facebook here, her instagram here and her twitter here. I hope that you enjoyed learning a bit about Karin and I hope that you’ll be back to meet another of my online friends in the coming weeks.
Thanks for having me Shari. 😀
You’re most welcome 🙂