I thought that I would introduce a new type of post to my schedule – I’m calling it ‘Friday’s thought provoking quote’. I love seeing the quotes that pop up in my Instagram feed and on the Parent Talk Australia facebook page. Some times I feel like they are really speaking to me – and so, I thought that my followers might also feel the same way. So here is my first thought provoking quote for August, that originally appeared on Katie180’s instagram feed:
I’d love for these quotes to generate a little bit of discussion. Or for you to simply let me know a little bit more about you – so, why not introduce yourself in the comments section below. You could be a regular commenter or you might just like to come and read and leave… but I’d love to know a little bit more about you – so please leave a comment below.
I love this idea. I look forward to reading what other thought provoking quotes you share.
Thanks for stopping by #MummyMondays.
Thanks Kell – and thanks for hosting #MummyMondays 🙂
This quote has multiple meanings to me. Can certainly connect it to people who are feeling defensive of their actions (or lack of), those who try to bring you down and those who doubt your ability to achieve your dreams. My response is to try and rise above it all!
Nice to connect with you 🙂
Thanks for stopping by xox
It’s so easy to get swept up in the doubt and fear of all of those kinds of people, and it is often hard to rise above it all – but it is an awesome view when nothing stands in your way.
The last sentence rings true – a good reminder, isn’t it?
So true Helen. Life isn’t always easy and it is so easy to get caught up in other people’s ‘pain’ – when it shouldn’t really be the driving force behind your happiness.