I feel like it’s been a long time between ‘IMK’ posts (6 months actually). And I am very sad about that. Life gets busy and people feel the pull towards only posting on social media – but I love my little piece of the internet and I miss linking up with my peeps.
I’m going to make more of an effort this year to be present in this space – I start maternity leave in April with baby number 4. And even though life is still going to be pretty crazy with 4 little ones (Mr Moo starting kindy, the Little Dude starting 4yr preschool and Z Man living life large with Mummy) I aim to post at least every Monday – so watch this space!
If you are interested in seeing what other lovely bloggers have in their kitchen this month, then head over to Sherry Mackay, from Sherry’s Pickings.
In my February kitchen, we are devouring all things Mexican inspired. I love the freshness of avocado, corn, iceberg lettuce, cucumber, coriander, and lime against the spiciness of whatever slow cooked meat we are combining this super combo with.

In my February kitchen, there is a dragon fruit or two. I’ve been adding them into my smoothie bowls or combining them in my fruit salad that I have been devouring on top of a little Greek yoghurt with some cereal or nuts for crunch.

In my February kitchen, there is a salad or two – because let’s face it, we are going through a heat wave and no one can be bothered to cook or even to eat anything else! Some of our favourite summer salads include; Egg and Bacon Salad, Asian Beef Salad with Mango, and Chicken and Nectarine Salad.

In my February kitchen, there is fish. My boys love salmon – and I’ve been experimenting with ideas to make it stretch a little further. The boys are big fans of fishcakes or salmon patties. But I’ve also tried ‘stuffing’ some salmon fillets with herbs and nuts to make a fillet of fish go further.

In my February kitchen, we have these delicious ice-blocks from Proud & Punch. Apple, beetroot, carrot and ginger (with the inclusion of celery) would have to be one of my favourite juice combos – so I love that these are the perfect frozen treat for me and the kids (without all the sugar).

So what’s been in your kitchen of late? Have you been making up salads for family dinners or have you thrown in the towel and declared ‘Zoopa Doopas for all’?? Do you have a little one heading off to primary school for the first time? Are you planning school lunchboxes?