Happy birthday, my little dude! I can’t believe that you’re five years old. Five feels big – it feels like an achievement for both you as a child and me as a parent. We’ve made it through together – and yet we have a whole new adventure on the horizon.

You’ve blossomed and grown into your own little person. Great at anything athletic and solving problems. A born leader and someone who people naturally gravitate to. You’ve loved your time at preschool, but I suspect you’re ready to rock and roll at primary school now.
You are my juxtaposition baby. You won’t let me hold your hand whilst we walk to preschool, but you want me to cuddle you like a baby at night time. You’re adamant about being independent and doing it all yourself, but you still want us to feed you at the dinner table.

If you are going anywhere, you are RUNNING. Or swimming, or riding your bike at break-neck speed. You can control the soccer ball with both your left and your right foot. And you can independently ride the chairlift when we go skiing.
You are so ready for school – maybe a little too ready, as you have spent the past year learning the soundwaves off your brother and picking up his school readers and giving it a go. It all looks like fun now, but I’m sure when it’s your homework we will grind to a slower pace.

You want to be just like the big boys at school – lining up to have a turn at handball in the mornings and running up in the afternoon to talk about ‘ooshies’ and ‘bakugans’.
We love you mate – and hope that being 5 years old is the best year yet!
May you always feel as free as you do on your bike. May you always have the confidence to run your own race. May you always laugh as you do when you’re tucked up tight in your bed talking to your brother – lost in the dark and your own little jokes. Happy Birthday!