It’s the most wonderful time of the year! It’s my Christmas edition of ‘what’s in my kitchen’. And, as always, if you are interested in seeing what other lovely bloggers have in their kitchen this month, then head over to Sherry Mackay, from Sherry’s Pickings .
I’m trying to cut down on buying ‘stuff’ for the sake of it. And I’m trying to make the most of my time with the boys before I return to full time work. So I’m busy cooking – because that’s my love language (and I’m hoping it will create some beautiful memories for them).
In my December kitchen…
Umm – we have already consumed four of these. I love panettone. And when Mr Moo was a baby, you could get a slice of panettone and a cup of coffee for $5 at the Mums and Bubs session (and it wasn’t even Christmas time).
The older boys have gravitated towards the one without the traditional fruit. But I have convinced the younger two that this is still the best one, besides it is easy to find online at retail store.

In my December kitchen….
There has to be a ham. I normally make mine the week before Christmas. But I am thinking about making it the week after and trying to grab one in the sales. Here is the recipe for my French Christmas Ham.

In my December kitchen…
I’m consuming a few too many fruit mince pies. I like to eat mine with brandy custard. I don’t really eat dessert any other time of the year – but these are just so good and it’s even better with a nice cup of cagliari coffee on the side, to make it feel just like Christmas.

In my December kitchen…
We whip up this Christmas Stuffing Salad. Because let’s face it – Australia isn’t the best place to be cooking up a traditional hot Christmas lunch. I’m a sucker for Christmas dinner with all the trimmings, but if you are having a BBQ or have to bring a side dish to a Christmas gathering – why not give this a go. Oh and if you are here for the recipe for my Christmas Stuffing Cups – you’re welcome xox

In my December kitchen…
The boys are loving Gingerbread men/people… I think that they like them so much that I should commit to baking a few with them. I’ve heard on the grapevine that Donna Hay has the best recipe.

Are you excited for Christmas? What food items do you most enjoy eating at Christmas time? Will you bake a Christmas cake? Do you follow an Advent calendar? Are you glad that you’ll get a brake from lunchboxes soon? What are your plans for Christmas this year? Merry Christmas from my family to yours xox

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