Todd from Three Sides Marketing talked about making ‘link love’ at Eat.Drink.Blog and with so many wonderful bloggers out there I found it tough to narrow down just five bloggers to share some link love with for this very post {but don’t worry, I’ll be continuing to share the link love over the coming months}.
ONE. Fiona from Tiffen Bite Sized Food Adventures – Fiona came up to me during the conference and mentioned that there was a plug-in that would automatically direct my Blogger traffic to my WordPress site. Having launched my WordPress site that month, I was still playing around with a few bits and pieces in the backend and had not got around to a redirect. On Fiona’s advice, I set up the plug-in when I arrived home that night and automatically my traffic to this site DOUBLED. Thanks so much for sharing that information with me Fiona!
TWO. Sherry from Sherry’s Pickings – Sherry and I shared a table at A.Baker. When we all started sharing our business cards, I commented ‘Oh Sherry, I follow you through the ‘In My Kitchen’ link up hosted by Celia at Fig Jam and Lime Cordial’. Celia’s link up was on of the first link ups I joined this year, when I wanted to engage with more people online and grow my own online community here at GoodFoodWeek. I love seeing what Sherry {and all the other bloggers who join IMK} has in her kitchen each month.
THREE. Guilia from Love At Every Bite – Guilia was one of the amazing organisers of #EDB15. She was my group leader for the first night and I have really enjoyed engaging in online conversations with her since. If you are a delegate of Eat.Drink.Blog 2015 and you aren’t on the Facebook page then jump to it. It has been an awesome place to converse with all the other food bloggers about what we learnt on that weekend and how we are able to put that knowledge into action!
FOUR. Anisa from The Macadames – Anisa is a friend of a friend. I’d been following her online for a few weeks prior to Eat.Drink.Blog so it was lovely to finally meet her in person. Anisa creates amazing sugar free ice-cream recipes {and has just launch a cookbook for said recipes}. She is also just about to have a baby – so I will be keen to see how her blog evolves once her bundle of joy arrives.
FIVE. Beck from In Search of Golden Puddings – Beck and I also sat together at A.Baker and have been conversing via Instagram ever since. It appears that we love a lot of similar foodie things produced right here in Canberra. Beck shares my passion for all things local and we create very similar dishes with that produce. If you like my recipes, then you should definitely check out In Search of Golden Puddings {although she does like G&T’s – don’t hold that against her}.
I’d love for you to share with me some of your favourite food bloggers so that I can continue to grow this little community.
Thanks Shari 🙂 Too kind! Xx
You’re welcome Giulia – you seriously did an amazing job as part of Eat.Drink.Blog and I think that everyone should be following your blog xox
Oh goodie, I love a good blog suggestion. Looks like I’ve some reading to do 🙂
Glad that you enjoyed this post Karrine. These are some serious good blogs to follow.