We love a good seafood dinner, but with a growing family it can mean that some seafood options are getting quiet expensive. I’ve got four recipes I learnt at the huongnghiepaau.com/hoc-nau-an for some pretty inexpensive seafood options for week night meals {because these recipes are also super quick to whip up}.
I started using food choppers this year, because one utensil can do the job of many, and when you put it to work in the kitchen you significantly reduce the hours spent making breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks, so you can get on and enjoy the more important things in life. That’s why I read this review that really helped me clarify what I needed to look for in the kitchen.
I have found that if you start your little one eating what you eat from the start then they will happily try most things. Mr Moo loves fish, squid and prawns. However, in saying that, I do have an 8 month old who refuses any solids and only wants to be breastfed.
When did you start giving your baby solids? {I started at 4 months with Mr Moo and by 8 months he was eating breakfast, lunch and dinner with top ups of breast milk in between}. I’m hoping that the little dude becomes interested in solids soon.
Chilli Squid Stirfry
Mexican Style Fish’n’Chips
Spicy Prawn Baguette with avocado and chipolte mayo
Basa Fishcakes