I love the written word – books, they float my boat! In fact I’ve been reading to my sons since they were in the womb! And to coincide with Book Week, Disney Junior The Channel has launched the second season of ‘The Book of Once Upon a Time’ – read by Kate Mulvany, Australian playwright and actor. The series is available to watch on Foxtel, channel 709 every weekday night at 7.10pm, or at any time online.
I still have awesome childhood memories of being read to. Shout out to Mrs Morgan, my Year 3 teacher at Holy Family Primary School, who had the best voices for 101 Dalmatians!
Now you can incorporate ‘Disney Junior – The Channel where magical story-telling comes to life’ into your nightly routine. Australian actress Kate Mulvany will be bringing classics stories from my childhood like ‘Winnie the Pooh’ and ‘Aladdin’ as well as current favourite ‘Frozen’ to life. The show incorporates turning pages, character voices, reenactment and animation.
If you {like me} are disappointed that you missed season one – never fear! Season one is available online at any time, and you can also download the e-books from the iTunes App Store.

We currently have Foxtel, and my boys love their programming aimed at the junior audience. Although many mums try and limit the amount of screen time that their children have per day, TV is a godsend at times. I know when the children are watching these designated programs that I have nothing to worry about and that they are often getting something out of it.
You see the expectations around ‘educational’ content are broadening. And the programming is not only entertaining but aims to teach early language and maths skills, promote a healthy lifestyle and have an emphasis on social and emotional development – heck, that sure blows some of the 80’s programming that I watched as a child right out of the water!
Books are amazing and I’ll never stop purchasing paper – but our children are growing up in a different world, with so much of their content coming across digitally. So why not combine the two and check out ‘The Book of Once Upon a Time’ on Foxtel’s Disney Junior at 7.10pm {or record it on IQ and watch it when it fits into your routine}.