A just like that, I’ve been a mum to four beautiful boys for the last 4 months. I felt like the time has well and truly flown by. I said that I would catch up with work colleague once we both had our babies – mere days apart – and yet we still haven’t had the chance. I guess that’s what happens when we have seven children between us.
But a plus side to my years of parenting young children means that I’m less susceptible to ye old Smug parent. I’m polite and will smile, as I scream ‘bull shit’ in my mind.
Ill advice can go in one ear and out the other. Or become a story that I will retell to my husband that night, and we can have a laugh about. It’s nice to feel confident in my parenting abilities (for a newborn at least – it’s a whole new world for me at the other extreme).

I’m excited to see the end of winter and all the crappiness of colds and coughs that have been passed around and around. Oh and nits – yeah, the two oldest boys managed to pick them up too. Which led to me practically burning down the house! I mean, I did not want nits in the baby’s hair or in mine.
But just when you think that you’re on top of it all, life likes to throw you a curved ball.
So the other day, the little dude had a fall at preschool which had us running to an emergency specialist in children’s dentistry. The dentist was lovely and he didn’t think that much damage was done to the tooth – but we will have to go back in two weeks time to confirm that.

Boys, I love being your Mum – but that certainly doesn’t mean that it isn’t hard sometimes. And some times I worry if I’m giving you all the love you need or if I am too cranky after a sleepless night with the baby.
But then again, this is life – and you are learning that we all make mistakes, and tomorrow is a new day. And we can try and be better tomorrow.
I love you xox