We’ve been smashing the watermelon of late. The boys love it as a midmorning or afternoon snack. But don’t be giving them any of that regular watermelon – no, they will only eat the seedless watermelon variety. How lucky to grow up in an age where we have seedless watermelon.
I keep telling them that the seeds aren’t that bad, but if they spy a seed, they go into full melt down and I’m left examining every piece and pulling out the seeds for them.
This simple salad combines the refreshing seedless watermelon, with sun-kissed tomatoes, grilled halloumi and herbs. And is just what the summer BBQ calls for…enjoy it whilst you can.

Recipe: Watermelon and Halloumi Salad
- 200 grams of watermelon
- 200 grams of halloumi
- 2 punnets of cherry tomatoes
- 1 red onion
- 1/2 bunch of basil
- 1/2 bunch of mint
- 2tbsp olive oil
- 2tbsp apple cider vinegar
- salt and pepper
Slice the halloumi into 1cm thick pieces and then grill on the BBQ.
Cube the watermelon – making sure that it is seedless. Toss with the halved tomatoes, thinly sliced red onion and picked basil and mint. Top with the grilled halloumi.
Whisk together the oil, apple cider vinegar and seasoning. Drizzle over the salad and serve.
Have you ever whipped up a recipe from my blog? I would love for you to let me know…So I don’t feel as if I am just writing all this stuff down for nothing… If you choose to whip up one of my recipes , then I would love for you to share it on social media, and don’t forget to use the hashtag #goodfoodweek.