What is going on with the world? I feel like I am in a little bit of a funk lately – what can you say when you just feel so awful about what’s happening in Ukraine? And you don’t want to be flippant and just roll out your content without mentioning it at all, but what do you have to add to the conversation?… I saw Lauren do an interesting batch of stories on Instagram that helped to give people a basic understanding of what was going on. But there was even backlash on that. I mean, can we all just be a little bit kinder to one another in these current circumstances? Isn’t that what the world needs? More kindness??
If you’d like to make a donation, I’ve created a little list of some of the larger organisations:
- UNICEF supports health, nutrition, HIV prevention, education, safe drinking water, sanitation and protection for children and families caught in the conflict in Ukraine.
- Caritas Australia has been working with Caritas Ukraine since 2014 to help people affected by the humanitarian crisis, and is providing essential emergency goods including shelter, food relief and cash distributions.
- MSF runs a range of activities in Ukraine working with local volunteers, organizations, health care professionals and authorities to help people travel to health care facilities and access prescribed medications.
- United Help Ukraine focuses on providing medical supplies and humanitarian aid, and raising awareness of the conflict.
- CARE Australia is also supporting local partners in Ukraine and neighbouring countries to distribute food, water, hygiene kits and money for supplies, as well as assistance to support the thousands of displaced families.
- The Voices of Children helps provide psychological and psychosocial support to children affected by the armed conflict, according to its website.
- Sunflowers of Peace is raising money to prepare first aid medical tactical backpacks for paramedics and doctors on the front lines.
And it’s nature causing chaos in our very own backyard – the floods are happening all over the eastern seaboard. Remember, Service NSW is here to help people and businesses impacted by the severe storms and floods.
As always, if you are interested in seeing what other lovely bloggers have in their kitchen this month, then head over to Sherry Mackay, from Sherry’s Pickings .
In my March kitchen,
I’m trying to get back into gut boosting foods – fermentation and the like. These Korean beef bowls really hit the spot. And they were super simple too – as the beef come pre-marinated. Just whip up some rice, dress your lettuce in sushi seasoning and black sesame seeds, stir fry the beef and top everything with kimchi. Do you have a good recipe for kimchi??

In my March kitchen,
I completely forgot that I ordered these for Valentine’s Day and they are still in my fridge. I better get cracking on baking them and serving an extra special afternoon tea when the boys arrive home from school.

In my March kitchen,
There will definitely be a pancake or pikelet or two for Shrove Tuesday. It actually popped up that it was 3 years ago that I created these Green Pikelets that have been an extremely popular recipe both in my household and on the blog. Shout out if you have recreated this recipe over the last 3 years.

In my March kitchen,
I feel like I am attracted to a pre-marinated meat more then ever. I just feel like we are back in the crazy with Covid-19 restrictions lifting and all the usual activities back in the mix. Mid-week dinners after everyone has been at work, school, preschool, extra curricular activities need to be fast, tasty and filling for our always hungry boys.
These were new on the Delish Deliveries website, so I thought that I would order two packets. I served mine with a roasted tray of potatoes, capsicum, onion and garlic (tossed in olive oil, paprika and salt), and a simple Greek salad. The chicken was super moist and flavorsome and I would definitely order again.

In my March kitchen,
We are heading back into tray bake territory. Here are some of our favourites:
- Morroccan Roast Veggie Bowl
- Mexican Chicken Tray Bake
- Italian sausages and Seasonal Veg Tray Bake
- Baked Barramundi with potatoes and cherry tomatoes
- Greek baked chicken

So tell me, what is in your kitchen this month? Did you do anything special for Valentine’s Day? Are you making Pancakes for Shrove Tuesday? Do you feel like life is speeding up again? Have you got any great kitchen hacks for getting dinner on the table quicker? Are you the lover of a one pot wonder?